To share the planning points for Mid-Autumn evening party activities

发布时间:2022-08-04 点击:826

Guardian Brand Planning Co., Ltd. was established in 2018, registered by the Guangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce, the company headquarters is set up in Yangcheng Guangzhou. Its predecessor was an activity equipment rental company, with its own lighting, sound, LED screen, projection, LCD splicing screen all kinds of activity interpretation equipment, and set up ten cooperation interpretation equipment warehouse in the country, only to better serve our customers.

Mid-Autumn evening party activity planning

Guardian brand planning industry for more than 10 years, with a complete upstream and downstream industry chain. We have a creative team with strategic ideas and practical experience, an efficient and flexible executive team, a standardized and mature project control mechanism, and provide a full range of services from planning, design to execution.

Brand planning for brand promotion, public relations activities, planning, celebration party conference, activities, events, fashion shows, film and television advertisement, exhibition, deductive planning, roadshow roadshow, media release, cultural creativity, design, implementation, BBS summit, interactive entertainment, digital visual display and so on comprehensive brand construction enterprise. Today Xiaobian to share with you a noon party planning matters needing attention article, I hope you like it!

First, the preparatory work

The preparatory work in the early stage of any activity planning is very important, only in the early stage of preparation can make all the activities more smoothly.

1, the program performance: in a month ago, the need for all the previous program performance arrangements, held in the Mid-Autumn party to ensure a skilled performer performance.

2, the Mid-Autumn Festival party prizes: in the week before the Mid-Autumn Festival party to determine all the prizes, and the Mid-Autumn Festival day before all the prizes to be in place.

3. Mid-Autumn Festival props: There will be some props on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is best to put all the props in place three days before the event and put all the props on the scene the day before the event.

4. Seating arrangement for guests: There will be some leaders on the scene on the day of the Mid-Autumn gala. We need to arrange the seats for the leaders in advance on the day before the event.

Second, before the Mid-Autumn Festival party site electricity inspection

In the day of the Mid-Autumn party will use a lot of electricity, but many people have ignored this point of electricity investigation, for safety, in the early stage of the Mid-Autumn party to check, check the power, to ensure that the Mid-Autumn party on the day of electricity, power lines are safe.

Three, Mid-Autumn evening party activities staff arrangement

The day before the party or two days before the Mid-Autumn party, all the staff involved in the day need to hold a preparatory meeting, to ensure that every post has someone docking, if there is a problem also someone timely remedy, only in this way can let the activity go on smoothly.

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